


Een aantal instrumenten die gebruikt kunnen worden om baby’s te verwijderen, tijdens abortus provocatus.






Schade door gereedschap

An aborted child’s hand damaged as he/she grabbed the abortion instrument

©CBR in NL:

Wilberforce koffer

Displaying our William Wilberforce suitcase during an event in Germany.

William Wilberforce led the movement to abolish the slave trade. Zie: waarom beelden?



Suction cannula

This is a suction cannula 14 weeks, given me by former abortionist Dr Anthony Levatino. It used to be his. 



Manual Vacuum Aspiration uses the suction of the syringe to suck baby out. Baby can be whole – handy for experiments. This one was given me by former abortionist Dr Anthony Levatino.



Fluids and instruments need to collected / collated.


Head crusher


Pestalozza curette

Scrapes lining of womb, placenta and baby. Extremely sharp. (Personal experience – my whole stomach felt like it was scraped with a razor blade, after my abortion).



The procedure

Various instruments are used throughout the procedure. Here one can see 2 sorts of tenaculum that can be used to grab the entrance to the womb – the cervix.


Baarmoeder openen

These instruments can be used to force the entrance to the womb open, called the cervix, which is meant to be tightly shut, protecting baby from the outside world.



Dilating rods

Different sizes used quickly one after the other to force the cervix open to get into the womb which is normally shut.


Sharp curette

One side is extremely sharp and cuts like a knife through whatever it comes in contact with.


Sanger forceps

Sanger forceps grab placenta and baby…once  grabbed can’t let go. Notice teeth. Similar to Sopher clamp. 


Head crusher

Braun cranioclast  – crushes the head of the baby, white brain matter oozes out.





Laminaria are inserted to absorb / widen the entrance.



A local anaesthetic can be used to numb the entrance to the womb – the cervix.



Smellie perforator craneo – to puncture skull before brains are suctioned out.


Decapitating hook

Braun decapitating hook(to behead the baby.


Uterine sound

Sims uterine sound to open womb / measure / hold in position during abortion so not go in too far and perforate the uterus at the back.


 Vaginal speculum

Kristeller vaginal speculum – can hold a weight at the bottom.


Vaginal speculum

Vaginal speculum with ‘eendebek’ to open up inside.


Curette double-end

Sims uterine curette double ended – sharp / blunt.


Abortion scoop

Cuzzi abortion spoon – scoops placenta / baby.


Tenaculum forceps

Schroeder tenaculum forceps to grip womb entrance at end of vagina to hold cervix in place while dilating (forcing the entrance open).


Baarmoeder tang

Uterine forceps om baarmoeder mond vast te grijpen.


Uterine dilator

Wiley uterine dilator to widen entrance to the womb.


Tenaculum forceps

Forceps to grasp the cervix as entrance to womb is forced open to gain access into the womb.


Pestalozza curette

Curette scrapes lining of womb, placenta and baby. Extremely sharp (personal experience)



Winter placenta / baby forceps.



Tarnier cranioclast to perforate skull , collapse and extract it.



Tubing baby is suctioned through, or for exampe suction out white brain matter.


Wallich spoon

Wallich spoon scoops out placenta and baby.


Suction machine

Machine which suctions baby out through attached tubing, pieces collected in mesh bag, later checked if all is out.


Smellie perforator

To stab in the back of the neck, then open, to create space to enter suction tube to suction out white brain matter to collapse skull if too large.





Abortus gereedschap

Sommigen noemen dit onze ‘William Wilberforce koffer’




Abortus gereedschap

Displaying our abortion equipment during an event in England.






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