(4) Video’s muziek
Hieronder wat muziek die beluisterd kan worden.
Is in willekeurige volgorde.
Muziek 1: “Unborn child”
Seals and Croft
Mama stop! Turn around, go back, think it over.
Muziek 2: “I am the Unborn” Barry Butler
Muziek 3: “Unborn”
Caitlin Jane with Nicolle Maurer.
Muziek 4: “Untold”
Matthew West
Muziek 5: “Can I live”
Nick Cannon
Muziek 6: “Looking Back” by Kevin Burke and Henry Gennaria
Muziek 7: “8 million roses”
Melissa Hubert
Representing 8 million abortions since the 1967abortion act in UK
Muziek 8: “This could change everything”
Francesca Battistelli
Muziek 9: “Pro-life song” the Deplorables
10 little toes that will never touch the sand
Music 10: “Please”
My life is real
Vince Lichlyter and Rob Yantis
Muziek 11: “My Baby” Salome van der Wende
A song by a woman who regrets aborting her firstborn after rape
Music 12: “9 months” Barbara Dias
Muziek 13: “Fearfully + Wonderfully Made” Mary James
Muziek 14: “Let me live” the unborn child’s plea
Pat Boone
Muziek 15: “Can you hear my crying” I’m calling out to you
Night Water Project
Muziek 16: “Oblivious” Clint Campbell
You’re silencing my voice, in the name of ‘choice’
Muziek 17: “Home To Me”
Jason Upton
Before my lungs could breathe I was alive in you
Muziek 18: “You named me no one”
but I wanted to be known
Will and Jane
Muziek 19: “You raise me up”
Josh Groban
Muziek 20: “She chose me”
Racheal Lynn Davis
Muziek 21: “Never been born”
Sacro song Fr Stan Fortuna
Muziek 22: “Jonge Ogen” #DEUR
Muziek 23: “Als een kind”
Muziek 24: “Fight the fight” 100 artiesten die samenkomen om ongeborenen te redden. Muziek na 30 seconden
Muziek 25: “Niemand heeft je ooit gezien” Helga
Muziek 26: “Arise Sweet Sarah” ballet fragment Silent Scream with ‘My Baby’
Muziek 27: Adoptie
A song by a man who was adopted, singing gratitude to his birth mother for giving him life.
“Everything to me” Mark Schultz
Muziek 28: Spotify playlist
Pop en rocknummers voor het leven: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08Xkr0PhLpLPgmftl9oQxI?si=05a5fb4218044613
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