

Sinds de oprichting is meerdere malen uitgenodigd om betrokken te zijn bij de politiek, in verschillende hoedanigheden. Vanwege verschillende vragen hieromtrent, hieronder, in willekeurige volgorde, wat voorbeelden van hoe o.a. onze oprichter Salome van der Wende door de jaren heen betrokken is geweest bij de politiek.

Salome Irene van der Wende, vanuit haar eigen abortuservaring, is mensenrechtenactivist voor baby’tjes.



(1)  Human Rights Council – was asked to address the Human RIghts Council at the United Nations in Geneva regarding abortion in NL


(2)  Interview inside EU in Brussels regarding financing abortion in developing countries with development money, after attending a meeting there



(3)  Ploumen – addressing politician Lilianne Ploumen Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Netherlands, as she arrived to speak at a meeting ‘Baas in eigen Buik’. She initiated “She Decides” (50 countries) to finance global family planning initiatives after a U.S. halt to such programs left NGOs worldwide with a large funding gap. She was chairwoman of the Labour Party, director of Mama Cash (quote from an interview of her: “In our opinion, social change costs money…. money to spend on issues that were seen as a taboo.”). Mama Cash supported Women on Waves Rebecca Gomperts project development and research on legislative implications, and setting sail to countries that probibited abortion, offering the abortion pill outside territorial waters. According to Wikipedia (retrieved 1aug2022) Plouman increased Dutch funding support to the GAVI vaccination alliance, co-chaired Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-Operation, and on the advisory council of the World Bank Group regarding Gender and Development. Below are pictures as we demonstrated outside Amsterdam meeting and the She Decides meeting (4) in Brussel to finance the gap created when USA retracted funding for abortion overseas.



(4)  Ploumen – when She Decides held a meeting we demonstrated outside in Brussels Belgium as Lilianne Poumen, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation initated international funding to finance the gap created when USA retracted funding for abortion overseas.


(5)  Switzerland – lobbying mostly Health Ministers of various countries at the United Nations WHO in Geneva Switzerland various years, including in the Serpentine Lounge, African delegation, brochure on tables, etc.

Fertility rate Europe
Fertility rate Europe

Had lively debate with gentleman from Human Reproduction Program



(6)  Petitioning Chinese government to stop the 1-child policy – was asked to join the lawyer to represent all the women of the world who regret their abortion



(7)  Sexual and Reproductive Rights meeting – was asked to take the microphone at United Nations Geneva Switzerland debate on Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Our handout was on tables at entrance depicting abortion

In my speech I asked them to look at the tip of the pen they have in front of them to write with, and that a little baby’s hand with 5 fingers fits on that tip of their pen





(8)  Political UN EU+Africa developments – video warning the world of the impeding plans a few days later for the signing of a partnership ‘block’ between EU and Africa that would give an impressive majority of 106 votes in the United Nations General Assembly, enabling passing of most resolutions (binding) worldwide! Not in the best interest of Member States, but world control, and depopulation. Salome van der Wende was asked to speak out on behalf of OneOfUs Netherlands. (The signing did not take place on the planned date.)

The text of the agreement: The status:  Timeline: Brief overview:

In 2016 the Netherlands become a member of the executive board of the World Health Organization (WHO), to enable more influence on policy, according to this newspaper




(9)  Hungary – addressing the audience in the Christian Democrat building there. Shortly afterwards the Hungarians developed incentive programs to have higher fertility rates. After the meeting a lady from a radio/tv station approached me. She asked: What should I focus on in the broadcast this evening? I responded: demographic and economic effects of abortion to a country. I often speak on the demographic and economic effect, using our powerpoints or handout on the topic.

I measured my average Dutch row house with small front and back garden, and multiplied it by the number of world inhabitants 7 billion. The whole world fits into the space of France and Germany, leaving the rest of the world for infrastructure, agriculture, farmland, nature etc..

At the time, EU was bailing out the countries around the Mediterranean – all had fertily rates way below the 2.2 average needed to keep an econmy running. We don’t have too many grey haired people, rather we have too few born people for the workforce, due to abortion, contraception and sterilization. It’s why they are gradually raising the pension age, so it “appears” as if we have more working people. See images here. Aborting one child aborts also the generations that would follow from them in the future.

©original idea Pollard


Missing due to abortion NL


(10)  Boxes we sent to Dutch government Senate and politicians of the House of Representatives, due to the first pending change in Dutch abortion law after 40 years of legislation – first to omit the 5-day waiting period making it easier to kill babies, experimentation on embryo’s, then to take abortion law out of the criminal code, to then follow with making abortion pill available via family doctors. Further information here.

Doos verzonden aan 1e en 2e kamer door
Doos verzonden aan 1e en 2e kamer door
Doos verstuurd naar 1e en 2e kamer door
Doos verstuurd naar 1e en 2e kamer door





(11)  Aljazeera interview regarding abortion politics in Poland




(12)  Argentina, Brazil, Liechtenstein – was requested to send Argentina politicians letters before voting on abortion. Sent to each of the 72 senators in Spanish, separately. At the time defeated. We also sent similar letters, on request, to Brazil in Portuguese when they were deciding on abortion.

Also wrote the royal family in Liechtenstein when abortion was being discussed – was defeated.




(13)  Africa – addressed various government delegation groups in three cities in Africa



(14)  New Zealand – was requested to provide input due to their plans to legalize abortion.

The New Zealand abortion commission of 7 determined beforehand that my submission with pictures was not allowed to be seen by their politicians who were to vote whether to allow killing babies or not with the new planned abortion law.

They would only accept my submission if I could authenticate each of the pictures, which I did…. but they didn’t like that. Pictures go straight to the heart… you don’t need words. So then they notified me they would only accept a submission by me if I took out all the pertinent pictures. So I did. 

Then they wrote me about listing my entry as anonymous, so it wouldn’t be seen in the listing of submissions. Democracy?



(15)  Ambassadors – have met with various ambassadors of various nations (in their embassy) either alone or together with someone


(16)  Late one evening in 2011 in a Dutch TV interview, the last question asked (as usual) by the interviewer (if I recollect correctly Twan Huys), was “What are you going to do tomorrow?” He responded that he had to make a decision concerning the definition of a human embryo. I was up all night. Court of Justice of the European Union (2011). Oliver Brüstle v. Greenpeace eV. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 18 October 2011. Case C-34/10.


60 years human rights – a powerpoint/speech I gave was included in a booklet, and made it into the hands of Chris Smith US Whitehouse congressman from New Jersey.




(17)  75 years United Nations International Peace Day. We wrote:

“Antonio Guterres called on all warring parties to lay down their weapons.

Apparently, a baby is the greatest conceivable danger to a woman.

Put down the weapons. Peace in the womb.

The misogynistic, degrading, diabolical, barbaric practices in ‘advanced’ and ‘progressive’ societies, where politics enable abortion allowing mothers to have their babies crushed, dismembered, starved, poisoned, cut the umbilical cord connecting them, or be torn apart, giving their children eviction notices, after their life has begun.

Let there be peace on earth.”

On this 75th anniversary UN Peace Day we stood outside the International Peace Palace. This Peace Palace is the seat of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations, in The Hague. Our photo of the instruments that can be used in abortion was shared widely (16k).




(18)  Press conference EUwomen speak out about their abortion as a violation of Human Rights. They tallied up how many children we had killed, in each of our separate testimonies, to realize the demographic effect on society.


(19)  Vaccines – petitioning EU-Commissioner for Health, and also Dutch health minister Hugo de Jonge for ethical C vaccine without use of human aborted baby cell lines. This was done under our English name, together with various organisations in Europe





(20)  Poland – various trips – press conference inside parlement, another time a press conference outside parlement due to voting on abortion exceptions – termed “a mighty weapon in the abortion debate” there. Various policy makers from other countries were also there – in the break one of them came up to me in tears, thanking me  – would use the info in his country.

Bill passed 267-154


(21)   Inside the Dutch parliament – for example with SGP, FVD, Christen Unie ‘gesprek open dag’ – or attending various debates in person inside or online. A member of SGP told me he had our bookmark on their mantelpiece (a row of photo’s of whole baby’s as they develop, with next to that a column depicting what abortion can do to the baby) as a reminder: “Dit is waar we het voor doen.” Once also addressed 3 ministers of government (including Maxime Verhagen and Bert Koenders) lunching outside on a terras ‘het Plein’, giving my abortion story, petitioning babies and offering a baby model. Was also asked to provide input for a speech/powerpoint to SP (Socialistish Partij) local chapter, which was forwarded to government.

Strategy meeting

Presentation inside Tweede Kamer

Abortusdebat 24mei2023
Abortusdebat 24mei2023


(22)  Netherlands – outside a meeting where King Willem-Alexander was addressing a Rutgers WPF (World Population Foundation) 50 years jubilee regarding “sexual health” Koning in Utrecht voor 50-jarig jubileum stichting Rutgers – RTV Utrecht Didn’t show images due to school children at entrance – so only held my large sign “I regret my abortion”.

On occassion also commented on the live feed of King Willem-Alexander during his Prinsjesdag speeches televized on TV



media Prinsjesdag
media Prinsjesdag



(23)  In the beginning… uit de oude doos…


(24)  Lobbying at the United Nations in New York, USA, gave testimony at a parallel event, spoke with various ambassadors


(25)  STER NPO censorship – we petitioned Dutch Minister for Media, due to censorship by STER reclame to show a 30 second advertisement on NPO1 NPO2 NPO3 TV of a moving baby in the womb.

       “[…] unfortunately I have to inform you that the TVC [TV commercial] is not allowed on our channels.

       Given the sensitive subject, this can be perceived as too shocking for viewers. Also, we do not want this from a legal and company perspective.”

After negotiations government <-> <-> STER to their credit did eventually allow the advertisement to be shown on primetime TV after all.



(26)  Inside and outside the EU in Bruxelles on numerous occassions, including various meetings

Our brochure on table inside EU

Our signs were confiscated outside EU




(27)  Commission on the Status of Women online virtual forum 2021 due to C


World Bank – chat closed after commenting 

Booted due to unfavoured speech in the chat


(28)  Article 6 draft Right to Life – we were asked to provide input for a new draft of the United Nations concerning the Right to Life. Our document ( was number 1 on the list for many weeks. “Many women are unable to effectively negotiate the terms and conditions of their sexual interactions due to persuasion, coercion, or violence against them by controlling males. Legalizing abortion empowers those who dominate her, and does’t reduce the oppression, rather abortion becomes another weapon coercers use against the women they dominate. This is not a human right.”



(29)  Stockholm –  was asked to give a speech in Sweden for a political party on the 40th anniversary of abortion there. A royal herald took place the first 5 minutes of the speeches


(30)  USA heartbeat bill – was asked to provide input for a video due to plans for exceptions in one of the states of the USA, and also asked to write a paragraph due to plans for a rape exception in Missouri USA




(31)  Petitioning Mrs T r u m p at inauguration to consider children conceived in violence also worthy of life. Was put forward later as possible speaker at USA March for Life in Washington the year T r u m p spoke





(32) Speech addressing Ban Ki Moon on World Abortion Day outside United Nations office




(33) Outside various Dutch political party meetings, like CDA, SGP, FVD, D66 political party meeting, during which Pechtold resigned




(34)  Ireland – outside parliament in Ireland due to their plans to legalize abortion, and outside Irish embassy in Poland earlier




(35)  One Of Us – besides the launch, cojoining petition to Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninklijke Relaties (dhr A.T. Leeuwesteind – Hoofd European Binnenlands Bestuur tijdens persconferentie), various meetings eg in Spain, France. Had been asked to join the cultural platform – “a group of thinkers, intellectuals ” “who have excelled in defending the values of One of Us”, wrote an article for them, video warning re Africa+EU joint agreement etc.


(36)  Voting

Voting Europe

Was asked to say something about provincial voting gemeenteraadsverkiezingen

On as /294764311




(37)  We were discussed in various city municipality meetings – ‘gemeenten’ – Utrecht, Haarlem for showing images on the street. “Onwelgevalige informatie wordt weggezet als desinformatie en gecensureerd.”


(38)  Outside Dutch parliament on numerous occassions



(39)  When our Prime Minister was to meet with president T r u m p in the USA, at the time of “abandoning children” at the border, we made this satire meme, and repeated on World Population Day. Also made some meme’s with quotes of our Dutch Prime Minister, but as seen in the light of the plight of babies who we may legally murder.



(40)  General

A lot of censorship after this

Het Plein, in front of government


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De realiteit van abortus is hartverscheurend. We gebruiken afbeeldingen, wetenschap en statistieken in plaats van meningen, zodat individuen tot hun eigen conclusies kunnen komen.

De beelden voor en na abortus tonen in één oogopslag de realiteit vanuit het perspectief van de baby.



Pictures expose injustice